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Where are the dog parks in Clovis, CA?

Currently, there are no dog parks in Clovis, though there is a recent push to add one. Whether this will succeed remains to be seen, and I will update accordingly if more definitive news arrives. From the article, “Dog parks aren’t a new idea for Clovis. A group actively campaigned for one in 2008 to the City Council, but the recession kept the city from continuing research on a project that wasn’t a high priority.”

Fresno Dog Parks

There are several dog parks in Fresno, including:


These listings are just intended as a quick answer to a question I receive regularly. They should NOT be read as a personal endorsement for these specific dog parks. Nor should any of the warnings listed below be interpreted as a directed criticism or indictment of any of these specific dog parks.

My professional view is that dog parks are NOT a good choice for a MAJORITY of dogs.

But I also recognize that certain dogs (and people) thrive in them.

So remember:


Dog parks are not a solution to behavioral problems.

For this, training is much more effective (and much safer for everyone involved). If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unable to tire out your dog, we can solve those issues in other ways. Contact us below to find out how.

    Nate Hess is a dog behavior specialist and the owner of Dogspring Training, LLC., which provides comprehensive dog training and behavior services in Fresno and Clovis, California. He is a graduate of Stanford University, a member of the International Association of Animal Behavioral Consultants (IAABC), and an evaluator for the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and S.T.A.R. Puppy programs. He lives in Clovis, CA, with his wife, Elaine, and plenty of dogs.

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