Tomorrow can be better.
This is a simple point, but it’s one that needs restating.
There will be days that aren’t good. Since you’ve arrived here, you may be having just that type of day.
You will feel like quitting on occasion. The mind can be fickle like that. We all get tired. You will likely even feel betrayed at times by the dog. You know he doesn’t mean it, but it sure seems like he does. You’ve even found yourself muttering,
“I’m not the type to give up a dog, but…”
When things start to get overwhelming, it can be helpful to take a deep breath and break things down into smaller steps. I know you have a list the size of Gone With the Wind about things he’s done that you wish he hadn’t.
Find one thing you can do today to move in the right direction. A walk, a short clicker session during a commercial break, install a baby gate, do a little bit of crate work. You can find a small victory somewhere. Start with that.
Then pour yourself a glass of wine or ginger ale. Remind yourself of what you like most about him. Do this even if it’s difficult. This is important. Find something small to build upon.
A little compassion when the dog seems to deserve it the least may save his life. And your sanity. Love doesn’t cure all ails, but contempt certainly makes them worse. Fight that feeling with everything you’ve got.
Truth be told, we rarely get the exact dog we want. (Though training can move us in that direction!) Often, we get something better than that. (I’ll give you a minute to throw your glass at the screen. Do ahead, vent, let it out on me. I can take it. I’m calm and I’m balanced, and wine stains make for good stories.)
We don’t get dogs because they’re easy; we don’t live with dogs just because they’re cute. They’re the type of challenge that builds character. You’re busy, but you’ll find the time. You’re here because you’re a damn good person and you believe that problems have solutions.
You will talk about these rough days decades later. You will almost look back with fondness. It will take some learning, some compassion, and some work, but tomorrow will be better.